
I'm way too busy with a brand new adventure ahead of me to update this at the moment. That's right, I said "brand new adventure." Excited? What will it involve? Who will be tagging along with me? Well, hopefully you right? Omg, stalkers. Just kidding.

How bout I tell you what happened when I return? For now you better just go where you came from. Which was hopefully here right? And if you absolutely have to follow me around, try my Facebook page or Twitter.

I so knew you were stalkers.

Shine On

Well, look at that, J.A. Yang is trying to be all famous again. As if. He's over at Authors Now! talking about his book, which is ahem, my life. It would just be patently unfair if you didn't go there and tell him that it's not all about him, it's really it's about me!

Just kidding. channeling a little Rachelle there for the holidays. I'm glad he's being spotlighted, he totally deserves it. A big round of applause for Cynthea Liu, who's just like the greatest person ever. And obviously big hearted to let J.A. be on her site in any capacity.

Talk to Me

You know I'm Chinese right? Well, so is J.A. and he's just been interviewed in a Chinese newspaper. Neither of us read Chinese all that well but with some practice we hope to read it together in the future. Or maybe we'll get Henry to translate it, I mean, his Chinese has to be pretty good right?

I wonder if they mention how cool I am, I'm sure they do. Otherwise why would they feature him in an article anyway?

And here's another Chinese interview, from "We Chinese." I need to learn how to read and write Mandarin? A trip to China maybe?

Hey Look!

There's been a lot of talk about YA book covers and ethnicity recently. Trisha over at The Ya Ya Ya's did a great post about Asian-Americans and book covers and in her follow up post, took a look at Exclusively Chloe. So what do you think? Does the cover look like me, a little Chinese girl?

And here's their "Asian American Protagonists in YA Fiction" list!

Search me, search me, say that you'll search me

Hey, I just discovered that on the Exclusively Chloe Amazon page, you can "Look Inside!" the book and use the "Search Inside This Book" box to electronically find anything in the text. It's pretty awesome because even I don't quite remember where everything is so this gives me an awesome tool to use. For example, there are three instances of "Shao-Chi" (my Chinese name) located on pages 10, 104, 240. So cool right?

Hole-y Awesome

Okay, so this is friend and fellow Deb Lara Zielin's incredibly hilarious video for her upcoming August 2009 release, "Donut Days." The productive value on this thing is MTV quality, I should know! Go check out Lara's blog too!

Sitting Pretty

Some more exciting pictures of EC in the wild! These are special because they're the first ones I've gotten from San Diego (notice the Warwick's sign!), San Francisco, and a Kindle! Thanks to Jordyn, Jon G, and Anne, respectively.